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Being A Reflective Teacher 

“We do not learn from experience... we learn from reflecting on experience.”

― John Dewey

Why reflection is everything

Reflection is how people learn and grow. Education is too complicated a profession to feel you can script every lesson and be successful. Since teaching looks more like tinkering based on inquiry than a set formula, it is important for teachers to reflect on formative information. 


When a teacher practices reflection she becomes in control of her own learning. A teacher who reflects is empowered to evaluate and improve the interactions in her class. Nancy Dana and Diane Yendol-Hoppey organize reflection into different passions, some of which I list below. 

  • Helping the Individual Child 

  • A Desire to Improve or Enrich Curriculum

  • Focus on Developing Content Knowledge 

  • A Desire to Improve or Experiment With Teaching Strategies and Teaching Technique

  • A Desire to Explore the Relationship Between Your Beliefs & Your Classroom Practice 

  • Focus on Understanding & Teaching and Learning Techniques 



Reflection helps teachers overcome "immunities to change" where your beliefs subconsciously sabotage achieving your goals. 

Self Assessment Chart 
Personal Learning Chart 
Reflection in Teaching 


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